Wandering is a very common and potentially dangerous behavior for those living with dementia, but it is even more hazardous during the hot summer months. High temperatures and prolonged sun exposure can very quickly cause heat stroke and dehydration. To help caregivers protect their loved ones over the summer months, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) is providing tips to reduce the chances of wandering and help prepare them to respond quickly if their loved one goes missing.
“Hot summer months create additional safety risks if someone with dementia wanders from home, which is why their family caregivers need to be proactive,” said Jennifer Reeder, LCSW, AFA’s Director of Educational and Social Services. “Creating a setting where someone with dementia can maintain the benefits of walking by being active and stimulated in a safe environment, while also meeting basic needs, and having an emergency plan in place, are the best ways to protect the person’s well-being and quality of life.”
Tips for families:
Examine the motivations for wandering. There can be many reasons why someone with dementia wants to walk outdoors; it can provide a feeling of purposefulness, excitement, or pleasure. This is especially true if the person lived an active lifestyle prior to the onset of their illness. Identify consistent and sustainable ways to support physical activities and stimulation in a safe environment: create walking paths around the home with visual cues and engaging objects; involve the person in simple tasks; and offer enjoyable activities (i.e., exercise, music, crafts). Ensure the basic needs (i.e., thirst, hunger, a need to use the bathroom) are met, as wandering can also be an expression of an unmet need.
Safeguard the home. Facilitate safe movement by avoiding clutter and eliminating tripping hazards. Be mindful of how objects like car keys, jackets, and purses might trigger the person to leave suddenly. Install electronic chimes or doorbells on doors so someone is alerted if the individual tries to exit. Consider using a smart doorbell with an app that can notify you when someone is entering or exiting the home.
Be aware of your loved one’s patterns. Know what times of the day may be more activating than others and try to offer stimulating activities during those times. Encourage healthy sleep habits to reduce the chances of the person leaving during the middle of the night. If your loved one does wander, document their patterns (frequency, duration, time of day, etc.) to help guide you in the future.
Develop a safety plan. Keep a list of places the person may go (i.e., previous home or place of employment, favorite spots around town). Have a recent close-up photo and medical information readily available to give to first responders, if needed. Keep a list of people to contact if the person goes missing and ask neighbors to call you if they see the person out on their own. See if your community has a safety program for families affected by dementia, such as Project Lifesaver, which allows you to voluntarily enroll your loved one to receive locating technology which first responders can activate if the person goes missing. To the greatest extent possible, get input from the person when developing the safety plan.
Mitigate risks by taking precautions. Caregivers should take extra precautions during the summer, such as ensuring the person is properly hydrated, dressed in light clothing, protected from the sun, and always supervised when outdoors. Keep a hat handy to protect your loved one’s eyes and face. Using tracking devices or alarms, and educating neighbors about your loved one’s condition, can also help quickly locate an individual if they do wander.
Families who have questions or would like additional information about caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease can speak with a licensed social worker seven days a week through the AFA Helpline by calling 866-232-8484, web chatting at www.alzfdn.org, or sending a text message to 646-586-5283. The web chat and text message features can serve individuals in more than 90 different languages.
Source Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA)