
  • Losing Cognition

    Married 27 years, I notice the need for notetaking. I need to write this down. What is happening to my husband? I watch his mind slip into thin air Read more

  • God Bless The Caregivers

    God bless the ones who serve each day, Their loved ones to assist. They offer comfort and support, Just part of a long list. Read more

  • Youth Is Becoming

    Youth runs fast; Age awaits its arrival Youth taunts, "catch me if you can"; Age does Read more

    Dec 7, 2022

  • A Race To The Finish

    I’ve entered a race I would have never chosen to be. I’m taking care of her who took care of me. The funeral was the easy, a skill I’ve learned and consider an art The nightmare began when I was left to console my mother’s broken heart. Family is Read more

    Nov 17, 2022

  • Considerate Folks

    We prefer not to make others wait  Now that we're older with a slower gait No longer participants in the race Read more

    Oct 20, 2022

  • My Father My Friend

    My Father Left this World Today, On July 22nd, 1998. I held his hand as cancer took his last breath away. Through tear filled Eyes I had to pray. Read more


  • A Caregiver

    My life of pulls and tugs Wanting to be everywhere at once and nowhere alone All at the same time. My Mom so old needs so much Read more


    Twilight moments replace CT’s and chemo. Beyond the anger, past the denial, we are now here. Enjoying this bridge to the unknown. Read more

  • A Last Game of Checkers

    Father and Son are seated across each other at a bedside table in a dimly lit room at the Apple Valley Nursing Home. A checkerboard lies between them. Read more

  • An Anchor or a Sail

    Let us hold hands as we let go “She was deciding whether she wanted an anchor or a sail.” It is the same choice my Patty would have liked examining so many years ago. But she wasn’t wise then. Read more

  • Mornings At My House

    Day after day I sit looking out the window waiting……waiting…… for you to awaken Read more


  • The Spoon In My Purse

    Poised in wheelchair fortress, Her hovering hands tremor, Seeking precise location For every stainless treasure - Read more


  • Caregivers Need Care Too

    I am brought back to a memory so very long ago. You loved me and I loved you; that’s all we needed to know! Read more


  • Empathetic Sadness

    You are my soulmate and we are one Your mind is changing and I feel glum My heart is wounded as is my soul I didn’t expect this while growing old! Read more


  • The Power of Prayer

    Have you looked into their eyes Have you heard their whispered cries Read more


  • Losses

    Given a choice, I would hold fast to you --- would stop the slow erosion of our lives. It isn't fair that we who've loved so long should be the losers, even though we love. Read more



    Why is this happening to me? Do you remember who I was before? Where did yesterday go when life was so full and rich with meaning? Read more

  • It’s you

    You walk into the room with a sense of familiarity, as though you know me, as though you’ve been here before. Who are you? This person that feels comfortable in a seemingly strange place. Are you someone I should know? Read more

  • Roses are Blooming

    Roses are blooming everywhere There are beautiful gardens, golden stairs Trees of every sort and design All that you ever wanted you find Read more

  • Living with Fear

    You cried tonight, it hurt me so, It hurt to watch,your tears flow. I felt your pain and frustration, As I saw you sinking, into depression. Read more
