Caregiver 101
Respite: Enjoy a Guilt-Free Summer
Why is it that the words “respite” and “guilt” seem to go hand in hand? Why do caregivers feel we are somehow failing our loved one by admitting that we need help, Read more
Some Things I Have Learned
I have learned to learn about the illness. In my case, I have learned about 11 illnesses only to find that any one of them may crop up and have symptoms at any time and last for a few minutes, a few hours, a few days or even months. Read more
The ABCs of Caregiving
Throughout our lives, we each perform a variety of different roles. For me, I have been a daughter, sister, student, sales clerk, secretary, coach, and a writer. The one role I thought I would never assume is now the main focus of my life ... Read more
I'm Fine, Thanks
That is the life of a caregiver. You are always fine because the focus is always on the person that you care for. You are “just fine” because if you think of allowing yourself to be anything other than fine, your legs will come out from under you. Read more
What the First-time Caregiver Needs to Know
Everyone ages, and there comes a time when older or ailing loved ones need help. Oftentimes friends or family members rise to the occasion to assist them. If you’re one of those first-time family caregivers, you are not alone. Read more
6 Things to Remember as You Start to Care for Your Parents
Whether you are an adult child or a parent trying to communicate with your kids, here are six suggestions for overcoming some of the obstacles and frustrations we commonly experience during this time. Read more
Caregiver Guilt and Finding Balance
How do you find the balance? Is there a balance? Am I doing the right thing? Should I be doing more? These are important questions for a caregiver. Read more
Caring for the Caregiver
Being a caregiver is a stressful and demanding job. There is usually very little, if any opportunity to prepare for a new caregiving situation. Read more
Safety Begins at Home
If you're among America's 54 million caregivers, knowing how to evacuate a loved one or how a loved one can take shelter during an emergency may not be as easy as just stepping out a door, or crawling out a window... Read more
Nip Depression in the Bud
Warning Signs to Look For Caregivers need to be especially aware of depression because of the great load they carry. Read more
Emotional Fatigue
Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, founder of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, says there are four kinds of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those Read more
Top Ten Ways To Care For Yourself
1. Keep a journal. Start today. Describe your fears as well as your hopes, the reality of what each day is like Read more
Fearless Caregiver Emotional First Aid Kit
You can find respite from your caregiving in the simplest things. Read more
When Caregiving is Not Enough - Finding Good Homecare
Anyone who has ever looked for home-based care for a loved one comprehends what a daunting experience it can be. Read more
Do you have what it takes to be a caregiver?
The time has come when a family member needs assistance and you’re struggling to understand what will be needed of you as you move into the role of full- or part-time caregiver. Read more
Forty-Eight Mental Breaks for Caregivers
Caregiving takes a lot of time. Even if you had spare time to daydream in the first place, it’s probably gone now. However you must give yourself a mental break once in a while. Read more
Trust Your Instincts
Adult Day Care is a community-based program. There are more than 4,000 centers across the country with more than 78 percent operating on a non-profit basis. Read more
After Caregiving: Picking Up The Pieces
As a caregiver, we totally commit ourselves to caring for another person who no longer functions as they once did in the normal scheme of life. We move in with them or move them to us. Read more
Respite for Two
Adult day care centers provide a break (respite) to the caregiver while providing health services, therapeutic services and social activities for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, ... Read more