Driving articles for caregivers
Driving Dilemmas: Risk vs. Independence
Driving a car is a symbol of independence and competence and is closely tied to an individual’s identity. It also represents freedom and control and allows older adults to gain easy access to social connections, health care... Read more
The Accident
I have chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. When this situation occurred, I was using a scooter or a walker as mobility aids, depending on my needs. Read more
Tips: Is It Time to Stop Driving?
Some people are able to continue driving in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, but it requires ongoing evaluation to ensure safety. Read more
Tips for Older Adults to Drive Safely
Maybe you already know that driving at night or in rainy weather is a problem for you. Some older drivers also have problems with certain routes or driving on busy highways, for example. Read more
Driving: When Aging and Illness Makes it Difficult
In light of increased scrutiny and legislation concerning older drivers, caregivers and aging patients are both starting to wonder when to continue driving, Read more
Driving Safety and Alzheimer's Disease
In the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia, some people are able to continue driving. However, as their memory and decision-making skills get worse, at some point it will no longer be safe for them to be behind the wheel. Read more
Driving Skills Checklist
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you should be concerned about your loved one’s driving skills. It might be time to ask whether it’s time they retire the keys. Read more
A Conversation at Thanksgiving Keeping Older Drivers Safe Behind the Wheel
The holidays are a great time to bring up a loved one’s driving safety. Waiting until an accident happens can leave the driver feeling as if they need to defend themselves. Read more