Editor's Pen

From the Editor's Pen

  • In Celebration of Stroke Caregivers

    One of the most interesting things I have learned from speaking with family caregivers around the country over these past 29 years is that, although so many aspects of caregiving are similar no matter what the disease or illness our loved ones faces Read more

  • Why it Matters

    Raise your hand if you are exhausted by this election cycle. Oh, I see, you are too exhausted to even raise your hand. Well, like caregiving some of the most important things in life are truly exhausting but vitally important. Read more


  • Objective Love

    I received a call from a dear friend of mine, who recently retired from the health care industry. You could say he was one of my first mentors, when starting out on my journey of caregiver support 25 years ago. He leads a men’s group in the small Read more

  • Howling with Care

    As CEO of Caring for Your Loved Ones, Inc, Fearless Caregivers need to have a wide array of tools and techniques at your disposal. You may be surprised to know what I believe to be the most important of these tools - Humor. Read more


  • Preventing Senior Accidental Overdoses

    A growing concern for family caregivers is the possibility of a loved one’s accidental overdose. This is an issue I hear about with alarming frequency. If nothing else, the statistics bear out the potential for danger to our loved ones. Read more

  • Father's Day

    According to the Caregiver Action Network, “The male/female ratio involved in caregiving has changed dramatically. Caregiving used to be considered a women’s issue based on data that showed 75 percent of "family" care was provided by women. Read more


  • A Dog Day

    I owe my veterinarian an apology (or rather, Junior's vet). This is the same family-run veterinarian clinic that I have been taking him to since he was a pup. How this relates to family caregiving is coming up. Read more


  • Mom and Pop Quiz

    What is the most important attribute you need to possess to help you as you care for your loved one? (And don’t say “being a loving person” – that is a given.) Read more

  • Detective Caregiver

    Now that summer is almost upon us, it is time to put on our deerstalker hat and reflectively puff on an empty Calabash pipe ala Sherlock Holmes and in his shadow become a loving (but slightly nosey) caregiver detective. Read more

  • He’s BAACK: The Caregiver Curmudgeon

    When we created Today’s Caregiver magazine , there were very few voices in the wilderness talking about the issue of family caregiving. There are now (thankfully) a significant amount of people talking and writing about caregivers and caregiving, Read more


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