Winter is a time when everyone’s health can suffer. However, Illness, like flu and pneumonia, can lead to serious complications for older people, so it is really important to ensure their health is in good check and they are eating well.
Keep warm
- Wear several thin layers of clothes rather than one thick layer
- Choose clothes made with wool, cotton or fleecy materials
- In the coldest weather, wear bed socks and a hat, as well as thermal nightwear
Keep your home warm
- Fit draft proofing to help seal gaps around windows and doors
- Lay insulation in the loft to reduce heat loss
- Ensure your hot water cylinder and pipes are lagged, including pipes in the loft
- Check your heating system is working properly and serviced at least once a year
- Make sure you know how to set the heating controls
Eat well
- Aim to have at least one hot meal a day and have hot drinks regularly through the day
- Have a hot drink before bedtime
- Prepare a thermos flask of a hot drink to have by your bed in case you feel cold in the night
Derek Johnson, Former NACC Chairman, said: “Winter is a time when everyone’s health can suffer. However, Illness, like flu and pneumonia, can lead to serious complications for older people, so it is really important to ensure their health is in good check and they are eating well. The NACC works hard to ensure all older people have access to nutritionally balanced meals, as good nutrition is even more vital during the winter months.”
The National Association of Care Catering (NACC) is a progressive organization in the United Kingdom representing professionals providing catering [caregiving] to the care industry. They are recognized by local authorities, independent providers, the charitable sector and government departments as a prime source of information and opinion.