Who Am I Scrapbook
We know all about our loved ones we care for, but how can we help their other caregivers know them in a similar way? It can be done rather easily with a fun and easy project—a scrapbook. What a wonderful way to help the caregiver know the patient much more quickly.
This can be a fantastic project for the entire family of home bound or nursing home residents. You can create a simple or elaborate scrapbook that will tell all about the person’s life prior to their failing health. An individual can take on this project, or it can involve the honoree, their spouse, their children, their grandchildren, and their friends. What a fun family project!
Begin by deciding what you will want in your scrapbook. You can dedicate a page each to many topics. These will be great beginnings for lots of conversation with the honoree. Here are just a few suggestions:
- Childhood
- Education
- Homes/where I lived
- Spouse
- Other family members
- Occupations
- Hobbies
- Clubs
- Church activities
- Pets
- Sports interests
- Favorite vacations
- Friends
- Artwork done by grandchildren
- Health history
Secondly, make a list of supplies you will need. If you have a scrapbooker in the family, this project can take on a more creative and polished look. Primarily, remember that the book needs to give lots of information.
The basic materials needed are:
- 3 ring notebook or photo album
- Plastic sheet protectors to slide the sheets into if using a notebook
- Black felt tip pen if writing by hand
- Photographs
- Adhesives – glue stick, etc.
- Paper
- Optional Supplies:
- Recycled greeting cards
- Newspaper clipping (copy)
- Scrap book art supplies
- Certificates (copy)
- Colorful markers
Note: If you use a computer, make sure the font is rather large and easy to read. Keep the written text brief. Put together the book so that the reader can scan it and get lots of information from it. Use lots of pictures if possible. The basic set up of the book can vary, but always have a front cover that will celebrate the honoree’s life. The title page should include a picture of the honoree, and the person’s name. Then write a note at the bottom inviting caregivers and visitors to view the book. You can even put a title on it—WHO AM I?, THIS IS MY LIFE, A BIOGRAPHY OF ______.
Now get out the supplies and let the fun begin!!! I promise that all who help make this wonderful informative book will have a great time creating a biography of their loved one’s life. And the finished product will guarantee many hours of enjoyment for all who read it. Most of all, the honoree will love the attention it will focus on him or her. In the future, it will become a treasured family heirloom!