I hope the researchers hear what I have to say, Because I know what caused your dementia to this day;
Sure you were a Boxer, World War II vet, Chazzerei, Cigarette, Alcohol A Fall, AAA procedure Requires anesthesia, A woman you were not Then I’d list scripts that make you less hot Hormone shots the answer? To your prostate cancer; But what did you in Without question Was the depression From your brothers sin;
Thank you big pharma Seroquel, Lorazepam, Morphine You were part of my team; This helped me with the detour But it’s no cure; If it came in a prescription to fill Boy that would be some amazing pill;
Statesmen, the generous, the good Lord Thank you for coming on board; I guess there was no choice After listening to the caregiver’s voice; That intense care Where others would not dare;
It has been two years today Andrew and I tried so hard to delay, You thrashed around In such despair Trying to rise from your chair;
Your hands held out I knew you needed to pray;
This calmed you a minute I promised the truck is coming, the truck is coming; Soon you would be in it;
Strapped to the gurney Silent as could be You entered your final journey Remembering only me; LOVE, YOUR DAUGHTER, BEVERLY BRADLEY-COLIN
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