Fast-Forward follows four millennials and their parents as they travel through time to meet their future selves. As the families embark on this journey together, they are all faced with the questions:
- Who will care for me? What do I want my care to look like?
- Where will I live?
- Have I communicated these wishes to my family?
By having both the parents and the millennial children participate, we were able to explore both perspectives simultaneously: the person who may need care in the more immediate future and their potential caregiver.
Our film explores these questions through a variety of immersive experiences. One family visits a caregiving training seminar to learn the basics of home care. Another family visits with Teepa Snow — a leading practitioner in caregiving for those suffering from dementias. A father, who denies that he needs to plan ahead, attends a doctor’s visit with his son. Experts in the field speak to these moments while also discussing the need for better support and education among family caregivers. Our hope with this film is that it opens up the conversation around aging and caregiving — an aspect of life that is often overlooked.