How did you become the caregiver for your loved one?
My mother chose me as her caregiver. My MIL did not have anyone else willing to care for her full time.
Has your relationship changed with the loved one that you are caring for? If so how?
My mother-in-law became very close. We even developed our own communication method after she was unable to talk.
What is the hardest thing about being a caregiver and the most rewarding thing?
The family and friends did not come by even to visit her or to help out. Best thing was being able to ease suffering and creating a loving environment.
What advice would you give to other caregivers?
Create a lose schedule that allows time for rest. Laugh a lot. See the funny in the odd things. Help them feel safe laughing at their mistakes.
In ten words or less, what has caregiving taught you?
Make a plan for your own long term care.
Describe a situation where being a Fearless Caregiver helped you succeed?
We have cared for the mom's for over 6 years. We gained the respect of the medical and spiritual support persons.
Fill Out Your Own Fearless Caregiver Profile
Fearless Caregiver Profile: Join us as we celebrate Fearless Caregivers sharing personal stories as we care for our loved ones. Read this week’s Fearless Caregiver Profile and feel free to add your profile as well, so we can learn from and share with our fellow caregivers.