For this holiday season, I have been wracking my brain for a special gift that I can send to each and every family caregiver. I searched high and low for that perfect gift and finally the light bulb went off…I got it!! What I want to make sure you all receive this season is the gift of finding joy.
Oh sure, as a caregiver, I am certain you have already thrown a shoe at your computer (aiming for my head), but give me a moment to explain…
We have talked a lot about retaining your sense of humor as a family caregiver and I have seen this in action at every one of our Fearless Caregiver Conferences. The value of humor is seen in the smile that comes across your faces when a silly joke or even a funny caregiving anecdote is shared.
I firmly believe that the twin to finding humor is finding joy. And joy comes in all sized packages. Let’s start with the joy to be found in little moments. Such as:
- A flicker of recognition in your loved one’s eyes.
- Whatever time you can spend with the children that you love.
- That perfect piece of music that reminds you of more joyous times.
- Re-reading your favorite passages in your favorite book.
- Calling your best friend from high school, out of the blue, and talking about anything but caregiving.
- Joyfully dancing around the house, a bit.
So, for this year and beyond, I wish you the gift of retaining, maintaining and certainly not containing your joy. This is a gift that you, more than anyone else in the world, deserves to have under your tree.
Joy to the world starts with one small joyful moment at a time.
Please share where do you find your little moments of joy in the comments below.