This week we begin to celebrate Easter and in a few weeks Passover, don our new holiday garb, and do everything for the young ones from hiding the matzah to holding Easter egg rolls, believe it or not, summer is also just around the corner.
As such, we are proud to announce the launch the annual Today’s Caregiver magazine and Summer of Respite Campaign. The campaign is specifically designed to give a break to the most important person in your loved one's life—you.
The next time you are among your fellow family caregivers (support group, doctor’s waiting room, hair salon, caregiver conference), turn to the caregiver next to you and ask what things they do to in order to take some time for themselves. These respite solutions can range from having a pint of ice cream on the back porch to getting away on a week long cruise. (Don’t roll your eyes; it can and has been done.)
If everyone sends their favorite tips, I'm sure there will be plenty of interesting ideas for all of us to add to our own lists. For those who think that respite is an impossible dream, I'm going to jumpstart this list with great ideas I've already received from family caregivers.
“I planned with my sister for her to watch my husband on her day off and I treated myself to a day treatment at a local spa. It was much more cost-effective than a nervous breakdown!
“I contacted a local senior service last Friday night and went out for dinner and a movie with my husband. It seemed like forever since we were alone like that. Later this summer, I’m going to take advantage of their overnight care so we can spend the night away.”
“I planned with my sister for her to watch my husband on her day off and I treated myself to a day treatment at a local spa. It was much more cost-effective than a nervous breakdown!”
“I contacted a local senior service last Friday night and went out for dinner and a movie with my husband. It seemed like forever since we were alone like that. Later this summer, I’m going to take advantage of their overnight care so we can spend the night away.”
"My son’s volunteer group from high school are a real blessing. They came over last week for a few hours to entertain my dad, who recently had a stroke. I was able to get out of the house and go to my gym again."
Once you have your fill of chocolate bunnies and hot cocoa, sit down a spell and email me your own respite tips to share within this column.
Happy holidays and let’s get respiting!
Share Your Summer of Respite Tips