I think there will be a special place in heaven for caregivers. You who have loaded wheelchairs into cars or vans or cut up food and gently placed it into your mate’s mouth, or emptied bladder bags or positioned sleep machines. There must be a special place for you. Have you stood in line to buy take-out or stopped for groceries on your way home from work? There’s a special place in our hearts for you. Have you held the hand of your ill, loved one and reminded them of why you chose to marry him/her in the first place? And then added the reasons why you’d do it all over again? There’s a special reward in heaven for you. You may think that no one knows and no one cares or understands, but you’re wrong, my friend. Remember, Scripture says, “Show mercy and compassion to one another.” Zechariah 7:9 This week hold your head a little higher and place a smile on your face. For someone sees your acts of kindness— He cares, and He remembers.
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