Our new caregiver-friendly website seeks to connect caregivers with the technology that will help them address their independent living concerns. Whether the caregiver is concerned about medication compliance, wandering, or fall risks with an elderly family member, or seeking solutions for their adult children with disabilities so they can live in the community, SimplyHome’s website invites people into a space where they can learn how technology can help address their concerns (“Concerns Addressed”) and lighten the load of the caregiver.
Even though our business model involves supplying technology, we don’t put technology first. Rather than pushing our products, you can see from the very front page of our website that we prioritize our vision: the independence of people with disabilities and senior adults aging in place. Technology is just one solution that can help caregivers meet their goals. We also focus on storytelling, showing people who are already enjoying the benefits of technology in their lives (“Customer Experiences”).
While technology evolves rapidly from year to year, people everywhere have universal concerns about their loved ones: dignity, independence, safety, happiness. Technology can be a natural, non-invasive part of supporting the people you love, and that’s how we want to help caregivers. ..learn more