Don’t Let Them Walk Alone Fall Prevention and Anti-Wandering Products By Smart Caregiver Corporation.
Falls and Wandering can be prevented. With our Early Alert systems caregivers will be notified before their resident’s walk alone. Our products are simple, easy-to-use and do-it-yourself. We are dedicated to educate others and share the benefits of our Anti-Wandering and Fall Prevention products.
Our mission is to ensure the safety and comfort of each and every patient and resident. We are committed in supplying the least expensive and best quality patient monitors so that caregivers can afford to have the necessary amount of monitors needed to keep people safe from falls and wandering.
Our world-class customer service representatives are trained to assist not only our distributors, but also their clients. Smart Caregiver’s Authorized Distributors are experts in Durable Medical Equipment and Home Medical Equipment. We use their experience to best serve caregivers and residents throughout the world.
Founded in 1994, Smart Caregiver has been providing Fall Prevention and Anti-Wandering devices for distributors and their customers worldwide. With over 20 years of experience, we are experts in Fall Prevention and Anti-Wandering products. IT’S ALL WE DO! ...more