Most of us would agree that we have little understanding of how to naturally operate and maintain the marvel of nature that is the human body. The fundamental physical and physiological actions of the body in everyday life such as: breathing, bending, stretching, sitting, standing, walking and running are not taught—they just happen naturally. Too often, however, the operational efficiency of these functions drifts away from nature’s guidance which, in turn, damages our health in the process. All our physical actions involve the subtle interaction of posture and body-mechanics, even when the body is at rest and, at the very heart of it all, is the awesome force of breathing. Sifu (Master Teacher) Peter Newton, a full-time professional Tai Chi and Qigong therapist (also known as the Tai Chi Health Whisperer by his clients and students) places breathing at the heart of this book. In order to maximize the benefits to the mind, body and spirit that an efficiently working respiratory function offers, he concentrates purely on how, if we assimilate the powerful healing postures, body-mechanics and breathing methods of the ancient Chinese, we will be operating in perfect harmony with nature.
If you are interested in improving your general well-being or are struggling with a long-term health condition, you will find some solace in reading this book. In addition, because the book dissects the ancient ‘Tai Chi’ and ‘Qigong’ documented ‘Classics’ (ancient instruction manual) on posture and mechanics of body-motion, it offers a new dimension for Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Specialist Care Nurses, Osteopaths and anyone else who has an interest in physical therapy. The whole book is based on Sifu Peter’s twenty-years of experience as a Tai Chi and Qigong teacher and a practising therapist with Parkinson’s UK, Kick – Start Cardiac Rehabilitation, Macmillans Cancer Support and Leonard Cheshire Acquired Brain Injury Unit.
Written in clear, discernible language that makes it easy for anyone to understand, fyour journey to a healthier and more contented life begins from the moment you pick up this book .