In a recent visit to a physician’s office, I heard the following conversation transpire between an elderly couple. The husband was a new patient and seemingly hard of hearing, his spouse was trying to be helpful as they worked together to fill out the new patient form.
Wife (In loud voice)“It says here that they want to know if you have had any problems urinating.”
Husband “What?”
Wife (In yet louder voice)“Do you have frequent painful urination?”
Husband (whispered response)”Sometimes”
Wife (Still reading questions from the form)“Do you have blood in your urine?”
Husband“ Shhh,”
Wife: (In voice to wake the dead)“Well, DO YOU HAVE BLOOD IN YOUR URINE?”
This went on for at least a half an hour more. I have never wanted someone to be called into the doctor’s office before me as much as this gentleman, for his sake as well as mine.
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