Last week, I was with an amazing group of Fearless Caregivers at the Fayetteville Fearless Caregiver Conference in North Carolina. They were all concerned that I was flying home to South Florida into the jaws of Hurricane Dorian, who although it sadly devastated our neighbors to the east in the Bahamas, mostly left us alone in Fort Lauderdale. Now I am concerned about my new friends in Fayetteville. You never know which way the wind will blow.
During the event, we were blessed to have Kareem Strong, the Regional Ombudsman, on the panel. If you don’t know what an ombudsman is, you should.
According to The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Center, Long-term care ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes and assisted living facilities. Ombudsmen provide information about how to find a facility and what to do to get quality care. They are trained to resolve problems. If you want, he ombudsman can assist you with complaints.
I must say that both expert Q & A panels were outstanding, with a representative from the Fort Bragg Employee Assistance Program to a Legal Aid attorney. The interaction between the attendees and the panelists were just what I love to see. Lots of questions and answers flowing in both directions.
I start every Fearless Caregiver Conference by thanking in advance a few attendees who will be writing my next month’s worth of newsletters. I never know who they are when we start, but at many points during the event, such Incredible wisdom flows in the room, that I know it will make at least the next four of my newsletters easier to write. (Stealing, you say!?)
The first moment occurred when the ombudsman stated that he has an “In Case I Go Missing File.” A packet of information that he would want loved ones to find if anything were to happen to him. I wish we had such a file when my dad took ill suddenly in the early nineties. We couldn’t go to him to find out things such as which bills needed to be paid and when, and even where the insurance papers were located, as he was not responsive for a while. Kareem said that it is not necessary to give anyone your bank account password or any such personal materials. Just let them know who to call or where the necessary paperwork is to be found.
At we call this a Family Emergency Care List, but with Kareem’s permission, I may appropriate (er, borrow) his term.
Please help our neighbors in drastic need from the devastation caused by the hurricane anyway you can. They need our care and support right now.
Please share your thoughts and stories in the comments below.