Why is this happening to me?
Do you remember who I was before?
Where did yesterday go when life was so full and rich with meaning?
Why is my world so small now?
Why am I so scared of what the future holds?
With losing my freedom and choices, am I losing me?
And yet I am grateful to have people who care and still love me.
I am comforted to know that my life has been filled with purpose.
My life and my love live on through you.
I am satisfied with the choices we have made together.
Participants of a “Writing for Recovery” writing group in Ashland, Ohio
Susan Becker, Deborah Brookshire, Derrick Coffman, Cindy Swanger, Rebecca Thompson, and Diana Spore.
As a writing exercise, Writing Group Participants worked collaboratively on poems that focused on caregiving. They were asked to think and write from two different perspectives: Caregiver and Care-Recipient.
Further reproduction is by written permission only.
We welcome your poetry to share with other caregivers. Submission guidelines