There must be a Heavenly crown for each giving soul, who cares for the sick and disabled, whether young or old. A brilliant symbol that shines forth as a vision of gold. A fitting reward for each unspoken tale never told. A bejeweled crown of sparkling rhinestones and pearls, to be worn by deserving caregivers in all cultural worlds. It's high time we needy take a heartfelt stand. Show gratitude for each unselfish deed, and extended hand. A crown of blood-colored rubies for those we hold dear, formed by sleepless nights, and prayers we never hear. A fitting reward for caregivers who minister and provide untold comfort and service that help keep us alive. Their enduring presence is a testament of their selfless will. Their loving care can't be equaled by any prescription pill. A golden crown of diamonds, rhinestones, rubies and pearls to be worn by unpaid caregivers in all cultural worlds.
I wrote this poem while convalescing from vasculitis, an inflammation of the major blood vessels. My husband was my caregiver during those long months of illness.
Thankfully, I am now fully recovered. I thank God for my wonderful husband of forty years. I wrote this poem for him. I now also dedicate it to all deserving caregivers.
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