Reducing Family Tension and Strengthening Relationships During COVID-19

“As our ongoing need to isolate continues, it may be harder for caregivers to be able to take a break, which can create tension, anxiety, stress and resentment,” said Jennifer Reeder, LCSW, AFA’s Director of Educational and Social Services. “The impact of Alzheimer’s on memory also makes it harder for the person living with the disease to understand what’s happening, which adds to caregiver challenges. Taking steps to deal with all of these feelings head-on and strengthen the bonds between family members is important for everyone.”  

AFA’s Helpline, staffed entirely by licensed social workers trained in dementia care, is open seven days a week to help provide additional tips about adapting routines, caregiving during the coronavirus outbreak and more.  The Helpline can be reached by calling 866-232-8484 or visiting and clicking the blue and white chat icon in the right hand corner of the page.

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