Carenote from Jay

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Seeing Things

My mother will be 101 on July 4th. She has been seeing things for the past 6 years. It started with a man who came into her home in the night when she was sleeping. No matter what we did to convince her that there was no such intruder her reaction would be "someday you will find out that I am right". We even taped the door entrances to prove they were not tampered with... it did not matter.

We moved her out to California about 3 years ago. At first she slept without incident. Eventually she had other delusions crop up. She hides her purse to keep it safe then can't find it. Doctors have not found anything that truly eliminates or significantly reduces this condition.SO far the best thing to do is just change the subject as soon as you can. The more we discussed things the stronger her determination to emphasize her version of events.It is a very frustrating thing to deal with, but there seems to be no easy way to reduce or eliminate the behavior.

We would love to know if anyone has found a better solution.

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