Howling with Care


As CEO of Caring for Your Loved Ones, Inc, Fearless Caregivers need to have a wide array of tools and techniques at your disposal.  You may be surprised to know what I believe to be the most important of these tools - Humor. 

Humor will get a family caregiver through the most challenging situations.  I love to start every Fearless Caregiver Conference with a selection of humorous stories, which all come from the lives of our readers and attendees.  So, in other words, from your lives.  And I am grateful for every single story and anecdote that you share through and at the events and come in over the transom in snail mail.

I liken my job as somewhat of a caregiving Johnny Appleseed, spreading your wisdom, solutions and even humor from year to year and city to city.  When it comes to your funny stories, I always give the credit where due, (but I do take the bows!) 

One of the most recent funny stories I have heard was at the 2019 Okeechobee Fearless Caregiver Conference.  An older gentleman raised his hand and as I came up to him with the microphone, he said that he has recently retired after working as a caregiving aide and told us why. He said that he had cared for a total of 5 people over the past 35 years and they all died, after which he stopped getting referrals, so he retired.  His delivery was so straight-faced (although the attendees howled with laughter) that still don’t know if he knew how funny his comment came across.

And now, I need your help. We have 6 more events before the end of the year and many more in 2020, which I want to go to loaded up with new stories.  (That’s where you come in.)  Please send me the humorous caregiving story that you’d like to share and I’ll do my darnedest to make ‘em laugh.

Please share your howlers below

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