You See an Old Man


You see an old man
Drooling in his wheelchair.
I see a man who could make almost anything
With scrap metal from the junk pile.

You see an old man
Who speaks only when spoken to.
I see a man who told exciting stories
Of his encounters with grizzly bears and getting lost in the mountains.

You see an old man
Whose speech is garbled and confused.
I see a man who sang hymn after hymn by memory
To keep himself awake while driving through the night.

You see an old man
Who can’t remember his wife’s name.
I see a man who prayed for all of his children and grandchildren
By name, every day.

You see an old man
Whose life no longer makes sense.
I see a man whom I can’t imagine life without
Because he’s always been there.

You see an old man.
I see a man I love, my Dad.

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