The 36-Hour Day

After 35 years, still the indispensable guide for countless families and professionals caring for someone with dementia.

Through five editions, The 36-Hour Day has been an essential resource for families who love and care for people with Alzheimer disease. Whether a person has Alzheimer disease or another form of dementia, he or she will face a host of problems. The 36-Hour Day will help family members and caregivers address these challenges and simultaneously cope with their own emotions and needs.

Featuring useful takeaway messages and informed by recent research into the causes of and the search for therapies to prevent or cure dementia, this edition includes new information on

The central idea underlying the book—that much can be done to improve the lives of people with dementia and of those caring for them—remains the same. The 36-Hour Day is the definitive dementia care guide.

The 36-Hour Day

Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPH, Nancy L. Mace, MA

Johns Hopkins University Press

March 2016


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