How to Become a Paid Caregiver for a Family Member



Caring for the elderly or disabled person could be one of the most fulfilling and also one of the most demanding roles one can have. Caring for a family member means spending countless hours, efforts, and resources to make a life better for someone you cherish.

Yet, providing intensive care while still working and managing your home could rapidly cause you to exhaustion and create a financial crisis.

As a family caregiver, you may reach a point where you need to reduce your other commitments and focus more on caregiving. But this often means lost income. Is it possible to get paid to care for your family member in Florida?

Absolutely. With the right planning and resources, family members can get compensation for caregiving services through Medicaid, long-term care insurance, and other programs.

How Family Caregivers Can Get Paid in Florida

While volunteering your time is noble, and I recognize that many, MANY of you are volunteering your time out of both love and necessity - getting paid for caregiving can be life-changing. Compensation allows you to focus on caregiving without jeopardizing your livelihood. Here are some of the main avenues family members can take to become paid caregivers in Florida:

Medicaid Waivers Let Families Get Paid

Medicaid is the key to getting paid for family caregiving in many cases. Through Medicaid long-term care waivers, relatives (even spouses and children) can be hired as caregivers.

Florida has several Medicaid waiver programs that allow in-home care services, including care by family members. The most commonly used are:

Self-Direction Puts Families in Control

Medicaid waivers in Florida allow self-direction of care services - which Florida refers to as the Participant Directed Option (PDO). With self-direction, the care recipient or their representative chooses their caregivers. Here is more information how family caregivers get paid.

Relatives can be hired for personal care, companion services, and more. The family member must pass a background screening - but they otherwise do NOT need any formal certifications or licenses to be paid to provide care to a family member on the Medicaid Waiver program.

Medicaid sets compensation rates based on the type and amount of care provided (usually around $15.00 - $16.00 per hour and more for unskilled work). PDO payments to family caregivers are made through a fiscal management service that handles payroll, taxes, and compliance.

Long-Term Care Policies May Offer Options

If your loved one has long-term care insurance, policy benefits may help pay for family member caregiving and even some caregiver training/support.  Some LTC policies have provisions for in-home care (even care by relatives). Other LTC policies will require family members to get formal licenses and certifications to be paid for their time.

The daily or monthly benefit amount will determine the amount of compensation available. Paid family leave through an employer plan can also provide partial income replacement.

VA Programs Support Veteran Caregivers

For military veterans needing care, the VA’s Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers gives approved primary family caregivers a stipend, training, and other support.

Eligible veterans must have incurred a serious injury in the line of duty. Caregivers provide at least 20 hours per week of personal care services.

Veterans can apply for the program by completing the application process, which includes submitting VA Form 10-10CG, either online, by mail, or in person at a local VA facility. It's important to note that as of October 1, 2023, the VA will no longer issue paper checks for the stipend, and caregivers must enroll in direct deposit to receive their payments.

Becoming a Certified Caregiver in Florida

Beyond tapping into programs that pay family caregivers, you may also want to become a professionally certified caregiver. Completing a training program and passing the state exam shows you’ve met strict standards for providing care - and may even result in Medicaid paying a higher hourly rate compared to those unlicensed caregivers.

Professional certification can open up more job opportunities, lead to higher pay, and give you valuable skills.

Numerous community colleges, vocational schools, and eldercare agencies in Florida offer accredited caregiver training programs. These typically run from 4-12 weeks and cover critical topics like:

Some programs also include hands-on clinical training in a care facility. Make sure any program you choose has a state-approved curriculum.

Other Considerations for Paid Family Caregivers

If you secure payment for providing care to your relative, be sure to take the following additional steps:

Draw Up a Caregiving Contract

Even if your loved one is paying you informally, having a written caregiving contract is still advisable and, in the case of Medicaid Waiver LTC compliance, required to prove that payments to family members are not gifts. This document - commonly referred to as a Personal Services Contract or Family Caregiver Agreement, should spell out your hourly wage, caregiving schedule, list of duties, work location, and other expectations. Outlining the terms of your new paid working relationship in writing protects both you and your family members. The personal services contract or medicaid caregiver agreement should be drafted by an experienced medicaid-planning attorney to make sure it meets their strict requirements.

Consult an Elder Law Attorney

Speaking with an attorney experienced in elder law and long-term care planning is highly recommended. They can review your caregiving agreement and help you avoid any pitfalls. An attorney can also provide guidance on Medicaid eligibility, estate planning, and other key financial considerations.

Explore Respite Care Options

Being a paid caregiver doesn’t mean you must provide round-the-clock care daily. Look into respite care services that could give you an occasional break. Adult daycare centers, in-home respite aides, and short-term nursing facility respite are options based on your family member’s needs. Taking advantage of respite allows you to recharge. Medicaid Waiver covers respite care as well.

Jason Neufeld, Esq is a Florida elder law attorney with Elder Needs Law, PLLC. Jason sits on the Board of Directors for the Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys, and Co-Chairs the Broward County Bar Association Elder Law Section.  

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