Developing an Organized Medication System at Home


Caregivers can be overwhelmed with the number of medications that their loved ones need to take on a daily basis. Medication errors are too common, with administration of drugs accounting for 38 percent of errors. According to the ALARIS Center for Medication Safety and Clinical Improvement, at least 7,000 deaths annually are blamed on medication errors.

There are many options on the market for organization system. Deciding which one is right for your family needs to be the driving force behind the system that you ultimately choose. Most all of us are familiar with pill organizer boxes with various slots for time of day and days of the week. There are other options, though, that can be just as effective when implemented consistently.

There are many issues to consider when setting up an organization system for your loved one. Some of these include:

No matter what system is chosen, proper storage of medications is essential. Keep medicines stored in a cool, dry area away from moisture or heat. The kitchen cabinets often serve as a favorite place to keep medicines. Be sure that the cabinets chosen aren’t subject to the moisture or heat changes near refrigerators, dishwasher steam, or even steam from the kitchen sink. The holds true for bathroom cabinets as well.

Also, keep medications in their original container until they are ready to be administered or placed into a pill organizer. It is okay to make notes on the bottle with a permanent marker to make instructions more clear for your loved one or other caregivers. When moving medicines into a pill organizer, make sure not to take out more than one week’s worth. 

The Canadian National Institute for the Blind recommends some of the following methods when considering a system to organize medications:

While these suggestions may work well for individuals who can give medications to themselves, there are still others that may help individuals who are in the home providing care one-on-one. These suggestions include:

Taking medications that center on events such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, or bedtime may be easier than trying to maintain an elaborate time schedule. There is less room for error and it serves as a good reminder of when medications may be needed. Plus, with the number of medications that need to be taken with food, centering some drug administration at meal times makes it more comfortable for the patient. 

These are a few ideas that will help get caregivers thinking about how to manage medications in the home. Certainly, there is no wrong way to develop a system as long as it meets physician orders and provides the necessary medications when they are needed. Being comfortable with the solution is just as important as finding the solution. To the extent possible, involve your family members in the planning process. They may provide insight and suggestions that you may have overlooked.

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