Beware Caller ID Spoofing

Nearly all of your financial and medical records are connected to your Social Security number, which is why data thieves are constantly trying to nab it for use in fraud schemes or for selling it illicitly.

Robocall scammers use spoofing to deliberately falsify the caller ID that appears on your phone, disguising their identities in attempts to steal your Social Security number and other valuable personal information.

Often the scammers spoof a Social Security Administration phone number so you'll think it's the agency calling. SSA blog posts alert consumers to this spoofing scam and new twists phone scammers use to convince consumers they're legit.

There are simple steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of a spoofing scam.  Follow the helpful tips in the FCC's consumer guide on spoofing, such as:

If you receive a suspicious call from someone alleging to be from SSA or its Office of the Inspector General, you should report that information to the OIG online at or by calling (800) 269-0271, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams:

If you feel you're the victim of such a scam, report it to local law enforcement. You can also file a complaint with the FCC at no cost. Read the FCC Complaint Center FAQ to learn more about the FCC's informal complaint process, including how to file a complaint and what happens after a complaint is filed.

Source: Federal Communications Commission

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