Assisted Living Checklist


Use the following checklist to assist you in assessing assisted living communities. If possible, both you and your loved one should be involved in the decision making process. The more an older person participates in the planning process, the easier it will be to adjust to the new environment.

Assessing an Assisted Living residence as you tour the facility:

What is the procedure for assessing a potential resident's need for services and are those needs reassessed periodically?

Medication/health care


Is staff available to provide 24-hour assistance with activities of daily living (ADL) if needed?

ADLs include: __Dressing __Eating __Mobility __Hygiene and grooming __Bathing, __toileting __incontinence __Using the telephone __Laundry __Housekeeping in unit __Transportation to doctor, hairdresser, activities, etc. __Shopping __ walking/caring for pets. others:______________

Features of individual units

Social and recreational activities

Food Service

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